Thanks to her close relationship with plants, her study and her work with plants, Karine Blanche develops Deep Listening workshops playing with different senses from sight, touch, smell and hearing. She applies this synesthesia approach to her site specific practices transforming her art practice into 'becoming landscape'.
It leads to team building, to performance research or collective composition.
"Plants have developed means of communication that fascinate me.
A communication that humans share through breathing through skin, nose, lung, an infinite and invisible touc affects each cells of our body, hacking its own individuality. A trans-species pollination ...
A kind of empathy, an intimacy still to be revealed."
Karine Blanche wants to question the constructed hierarchies resulting from a systemic experience over the misguided notions of ‘nature’ as something separate from human and its consequence. She likes to play with the inseparability and the porosity of the trans-corporality to find back the way of pleasure and erotism within human's life.
She questions here the notion of " body", "identity" and "authorship" as artistic process as much as intimate, social, political ecological and health gesture to find new values and agencies on which "OIKOS" can have a common meaning.
Micro phenomenology
By // About // From
What are traces? The one we leave behind and the one we follow? Which one are we following? What, who do we follow?
On what do we put our attention on? What do we let ourselves be informed by?
Forms of life and their expressions have always fascinated me. Not really to have a specific idea about it once for all, but more to direct myself and let me shaped by its experience.
Only then, we can respond.
Only then we are responsable.
But how to observe, read, listen to the traces?
By having a body and letting unfold the inward for a field tracking of living territories that are our foundation.
Only then I can think.
" an attempt to circumvent by whistling dualisms between science and fiction, poetry and reason to prepare the encounter with the mystery of the living and to do justice to otherness to show that they (the others) are not just physical matter and their differences are not deficiencies or deficiencies.
They have a body other than us that opens up an incredible space of possibilities of existence. The fabric of life is a tapestry of time and we are not ahead." Jean Baptiste Morizot, Ways of being Alive.